Articles on Parenting (12)

  1. Baby and toddler eating and mealtimes

    Mealtimes are often a time when children learn that they can gain some control over their parents. Parents may become concerned that their child is not eating enough and frustrated when their child refuses food and/or demand alternative meals. Most children go through a phase…
  2. Bedtime and sleeping routines

    Getting your child to go to bed can be quite a battle. As soon as you mention the word ‘bed’ your child may run riot in a bid to show you how awake they are. Even if you get them into bed you may still…
  3. Early behaviour and emotional development

    A toddler temper tantrum is the emotional equivalent of a summer storm; sudden and sometimes fierce. Children between the ages of one and three are especially prone to these episodes and it is a normal part of their development. Though you may worry that you…
  4. Early talkers and readers

    Children begin to develop the skills they need to become confident with language from a very young age. Early literacy skills include looking at books, following a story, making marks, recognising printed writing and singing or saying rhymes. Read aloud to your child from an…
  5. Feelings, emotions and mental wellbeing

    Not only do mental health problems greatly impact the emotional and physical wellbeing of a child, but they can also affect the whole family – parents, siblings, grandparents – those who most want to help and actually may not know exactly how to. It can…
  6. Kids online and their digital safety

    Kids are spending more and more time online, so as parents you need advice to help keep them safe. You may feel out of touch with Snapchat and Instagram. Do you know who they are chatting to online, what they are uploading, who they are…
  7. Learning through play

    Your child’s brain will grow better if you play with them. Connections in their brain make links that will help them understand communication and feelings. Play counting games, sing action songs or pull a face at your baby. Your baby will copy these actions, helping…
  8. Mental Health Advice and Support

    There are lots of helplines and support groups for mental health and wellbeing. Some are specific to an issue, others give general advice and support to families.  There are many types of mental health issues. Listed here are the most common ones. It is always…
  9. Parenting classes and support

    Programmes for parents/carers provide you with the opportunities to learn and improve your parenting skills, helping you understand your children's needs and helping you cope with present and future difficulties. They also provide you with a chance to meet and share experiences with other parents…

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